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Clubs Grief

By Jordan Bonner

Editor, the Gauntlet,The following quotation was taken from a memorandum posted in the window of the office of Greg Hovdebo, the Students’ Union Club Committee Chair: "Clubs who did not get office space are asked to only send one delegate to speak to myself or Erin. If your club is without office space, you did… Continue reading Clubs Grief

Inna gadda da vida

By Kyle Young

A little-known pet project of the Philosophy Department was violently thrust into the spotlight this week. It was leaked that the department is attempting to procure the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The tree is best known for its pivotal role in mankind’s banishment from the Garden of Eden. According to one source,… Continue reading Inna gadda da vida

Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind

By Natalie Sit

For some Calgarians, election campaign signs are just flashes of colour on the drive home. “A civic election,” they think, “hmm, interesting.” The plethora of billboards, lawn signs and banners mean little to them, and under-standably so. However, for the first time in a long while, Al Duerr is not running, ending his 12-year tenure… Continue reading Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind

Clubs sandwich

By Phil Serchuk

Clubs week is a very busy time for students. With classes just beginning, many students have trouble juggling study time, social time and work time. Clubs week places the additional burden of forcing you to spend time listening to sales pitches from clubs you’re not even interested in. As a service to readers, the Gauntlet… Continue reading Clubs sandwich

Contract sparks U of C nancy-boy exodus

By Tax-hating Old Man

The University of Calgary sent shockwaves across the nation Wednesday by announcing they have signed an exclusivity contract with Conservatism, in exchange for an undisclosed sum. Such a deal–tying a public institution to a specific political ideology in exchange for cash–is unprecedented in Canada. "We’re thrilled to announce our new partnership with the forces of… Continue reading Contract sparks U of C nancy-boy exodus

For Shame, Mclame’s

By Lawrence Bailey

I have a bone to pick with Maclean’s magazine and their university issue. It has nothing to do with their slagging of the University of Calgary yet again. I actually agree that I attend a poorly run, second-rate institution. No, my beef is with their evaluation of student life. They clearly did not do their… Continue reading For Shame, Mclame’s