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Down not out

By Lawrence Bailey

Don’t be surprised if the Head Coach Dan Vanhooren has the Dinos playing a lot more small ball this season. That tends to happen when two of your key big men aren’t playing. While this year’s edition of the men’s basketball squad has an embarrassment of riches in the backcourt, the loss of would-be fifth-year… Continue reading Down not out

Men’s Basketball

By Lawrence Bailey

Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. While there were a few off-season acquisitions by the University of Calgary men’s basketball program, the key to their summer was the time off–time to heal. With last season seeing starters falling faster than shares of Nortel, the team limped through the last few weeks… Continue reading Men’s Basketball

Hoop dreams, injuries

By Lawrence Bailey

Men’s Hoops – Lawrence Bailey Talent: B+ A recruiting coup brought highly-touted Whit Hornsberger to join prolific scorer John Riad in the Dinos backcourt this season. With a solid cast of returning players the stage was set for a breakthrough. While this didn’t happen, the talent cannot be blamed. Solid all-around seasons were turned in… Continue reading Hoop dreams, injuries

Varsity twister?

By Еvan Osentоn

After a controversial 17-hour meeting on March 28, the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union New Sport Accreditation Council announced the certification of Twister as a varsity sport. The decision to accredit the popular Milton Bradley game instantly resonated throughout the country as 165 universities and colleges–including the University of Calgary–announced their intent to participate in the… Continue reading Varsity twister?