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Call this democracy?

By Badger Badger

As a billow of white smoke rose from the secluded Gauntlet offices on the third floor of MacEwan Student Centre, a writ was put forward by the electorate: democracy doesn’t work. Moments after taking off his make-shift newspaper robe and Pope-inspired Mitre Hat, Editor-in-Chief candidate and son of the Dean of Communication and Culture, Rob… Continue reading Call this democracy?

The Panel

Lawrence Bailey, Editor-in-Chief: As a seasoned veteran on both sides of Students’ Union elections, Lawrence Bailey has witnessed six elections and was a candidate last year. Russ Dyck, staff writer and photographer: This is Russ Dyck’s first time on the Gauntlet Review panel. He brings both the voice of youth and an unjaded perspective to… Continue reading The Panel

Praise from a pleased geek

By Jason ‘mendicant’ Lepp

Editor, the Gauntlet, Re: “Classic Gaming Supplement,” Nov. 13, 2003, It has happened. Finally. The Gauntlet went all-out geek, even if only for an issue. It was a great surprise for me to find the Classic Gaming Supplement. I’m always excited to flip through the Gauntlet and find something of particular interest to me, be… Continue reading Praise from a pleased geek

Talking to protestors

By Kyle Young

Some sort of background should be provided to explain why I set out to test the waters of Protest culture. It begins with an amusing video, Protesting the protesters, put out by a group known as the Devil’s Advocate. The reporter in the video asked many poignant questions of the protestors at a New York… Continue reading Talking to protestors

Club Culture

By Kyle Young

By the time we’d reached the entrance to the club we were already an hour behind our timetable. This was bad, since our escape route depended on a well-timed rendezvous with an accomplice in an SUV. My cell phone rang on cue. “Kyle? I’m just leaving now, I should be there in about 45 minutes.”… Continue reading Club Culture

Our Picks for SU Elections 2003

In the spirit of transparency and fairness, we have included our own personal ballots, breaking down which candidates each committee member supports and putting a name and a face to those choices. For the acclaimed race, we ran a yes/no option. Our Picks James Keller Kris Kotarski Вen Li Natalie Sit Chad Saunders &nbsp President… Continue reading Our Picks for SU Elections 2003

Editor, the Gauntlet:

By Jordan Bonner

Irene Enyedy’s letter appalled me. The half-truths, obfuscations and apparent lack of understanding of basic concepts of jurisprudence such as "double jeopardy" and "statute of limitations" expressed in her letter cause me to question her ability and the entire su’s ability to operate in a representative, democratic manner and her personal ability competently represent students.First,… Continue reading Editor, the Gauntlet: