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If I had a million dollars…

By Mary Chan

The University of Calgary Students’ Union approved over $1 million in redevelopment funding Tuesday night; over $200,000 is allotted to SU office renovations. The motion passed unanimously in its second reading at the Students’ Legislative Council meeting. The money pays for a number of projects related to MacEwan Hall redevelopment, including the salary of a… Continue reading If I had a million dollars…

SU byelection fever

By Rob South

As a sparse crowd of about 20 looked on at Speakers’ Corner this Tuesday, candidates for the one open slot on each of the Students’ Union’s Operations and Finance Commission and the External Commission presented their case for election. "We need to make tuition cheaper for students," said External Commission candidate Paul Chinook. "But I… Continue reading SU byelection fever

Careful or the brain gets it

By Rob South

Canada’s brains are being held hostage, both figuratively and literally, according to the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. Citing high tuition, massive student debt and crumbling infrastructure as the causes of a system that traps the nation’s young minds, CASA is touring a "hostage brain" across Canada to illustrate their point. On Wednesday, the brain… Continue reading Careful or the brain gets it

SU accountability questioned

By Rob South

Executive accountability forced its way to the forefront of the University of Calgary Students’ Union on Oct. 3 in a day filled with closed-door meetings, examinations of the bylaws and the longest Students’ Legislative Council meeting of the school year. During the SLC meeting many commissioners expressed concern that some of their members do not… Continue reading SU accountability questioned

U of C takes a trip downtown

By Rob South

Facing a packed room of attentive listeners, University of Calgary President Dr. Terry White laid out his vision of the university’s future and highlighted its recent accomplishments. Dr. White’s Sept. 21 annual report to the community addressed a number of topics including student affordability and large class sizes. "It was a pretty good speech; it… Continue reading U of C takes a trip downtown

Province reviews universities’ funding

By Carina Solda

In March of this year, Alberta Learning Minister Lyle Oberg established a committee of Members of Legislative Assembly and private citizens whose task was to review the Alberta Government’s hand in funding post-secondary institutions. The primary goal of this committee was to make recommendations for improving the existing manner in which funds are distributed, with… Continue reading Province reviews universities’ funding

Award recipients cheated, say students

By Roman Zakaluzny

Last Thursday, the Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation celebrated its first anniversary with much fanfare by giving themselves a collective pat on the back. Students from across the country were present for the event but were divided in their opinions on the effectiveness of the program. The CMSF held its first Annual Public Meeting and luncheon… Continue reading Award recipients cheated, say students

Once upon a time, in Kleindom

By Editorial

Last week, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein announced the province will give post-secondary institutions an infrastructure grant totaling $200 million. Many regarded the move as a positive step to improving the physical condition of campuses across Alberta. However, the distribution of the grant money perplexed many, particularly student leaders at the University of Calgary, which did… Continue reading Once upon a time, in Kleindom

U of C left out of the money

By Rob South

Last week, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein announced the province will give post-secondary institutions an infrastructure grant totaling $200 million. Many regarded the move as a positive step to improving the physical condition of campuses across Alberta. However, the distribution of the grant money perplexed many, particularly student leaders at the University of Calgary, which did… Continue reading U of C left out of the money