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Hey Jean, don’t forget about students

By Rob South

Students are upset by the exclusive focus on health issues after an announcement Mon., Sept. 11 by the Prime Minister and the 10 premiers that declared transfer payments to the provinces will increase from $15.5 billion this year to $18.3 billion next year and $21 billion by 2005/06. Specifically, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations… Continue reading Hey Jean, don’t forget about students

The rock says, "I’m moving"

It’s been climbed on, rolled, sat on, tarred and feathered, and painted countless times; now it’s being moved. The rock outside MacEwan Hall will roll to another location due to expansion. Not to worry though, the rock will stay in our hearts and on our campus. "I think students definitely want to make sure the… Continue reading The rock says, "I’m moving"

Alberta’s tuition third highest in country

By Rob South

Statistics Canada reports that, as a result of more provinces instituting some form of a tuition freeze, the average undergraduate arts tuition only went up three per cent in Canada this year–an increase significantly lower than the average increase in previous years. In Alberta, the average tuition increase is five per cent, the third highest… Continue reading Alberta’s tuition third highest in country

First-years start their orientation week

By Natalie Sit

They came, bleary-eyed and wary. They saw thousands of others just like them. They knew it was the beginning of their university career. U of C 101 started Wed., Sept. 6, with about 3,600 first-year students participating in the orientation program. The three-day long program began with the Community Welcome in the Jack Simpson Gymnasium.… Continue reading First-years start their orientation week

MacEwan Hall: the update

By Mary Chan

Students returning to school this fall should expect to see changes on campus, but not MacHall expansion well under way. Students will, however, see many changes within MacEwan Hall and MacEwan Student Centre due to redevelopment. One change is new club space over the bookstore in MSC. According to Students’ Union Vice-president Operations and Finance… Continue reading MacEwan Hall: the update

General Studies finds its own identity

By Sonia Sharma

The Faculty of General Studies is changing its name to the Faculty of Communications and Culture. The change was a result of recommendations by the Direct Entry Review and Implementation Committee which received information from faculty members, student focus groups and the Prospective Student Office. The faculty and students find the current name, Faculty of… Continue reading General Studies finds its own identity

Anders’ decision overruled

By Rob South

On Monday, Jane Stewart, Minister of Human Resources Development Canada, decided to overturn the highly controversial decision by Calgary-West MP Rob Anders to reject applications for 83 Summer Career Placement jobs in his riding. The government-subsidized positions were rejected in early May by Anders from a list of close to 200 jobs recommended for funding… Continue reading Anders’ decision overruled