SU View: Mmm… Votes!

By Jen Smith

Canadians are in the midst of a federal election, with our final opportunity to vote fast approaching on Monday, January 23. Ways that the federal government affects university students include bankruptcy legislation on student loans, GST on textbooks, the Millennium Scholarship Foundation, and the registered education savings plans. Student lobby groups are calling for a… Continue reading SU View: Mmm… Votes!

Academic advising

By Demetrios Nicolaides

Do you know what academic advising is? Do you know who academic advisors are and what they do? If not, don’t worry, because now is your chance to help resolve the situation. The university’s Academic Advising Coordinating Committee has commissioned a small sub-committee to develop principles on academic advising and outline the roles and responsibilities… Continue reading Academic advising

Course withdraw dates

By Christopher Ng

The Students’ Academic Assembly recently held a discussion regarding course withdraw dates at the University of Calgary. Currently, students wishing to withdraw from a course have until the last day of lectures in each semester to withdraw to avoid receiving a grade counted towards their GPA. They will receive no tuition returned as well as… Continue reading Course withdraw dates

Current Redevelopment Projects

By Gavin Preston

As we near the next general election, a few potential operations and finance candidates are likely wondering if it is possible to make promises that relate to redevelopment of MacEwan Student Centre that can be kept. This year, the Students’ Union has witnessed events that should put their concerns to rest. In the last general… Continue reading Current Redevelopment Projects

Academic Festivus

By Demetrios Nicolaides

Students often struggle to recognise that many services are available to them through the Students’ Union and the University of Calgary to ease the pains of academics. For example, did you know that Counselling offers academic and career workshops to help you learn how to prepare for tests and conquer test anxiety? If your essays… Continue reading Academic Festivus

Academic integrity

By Demetrios Nicolaides

In order to assist a small committee of faculty members, staff and Students’ Union representatives who are working on developing some resources on academic honesty, we need your feedback. The Academic Integrity Committee is seeking to define what ‘honesty’ means in the academic world and how relevant it is to you, your program and/or your… Continue reading Academic integrity

Pennies and waffles

By Lauren Batiuk

It’s just over a week until the Board of Governors will meet to decide if your tuition will increase by 4.8 per cent. This year may not be a year of protest, but rather a year of education. This year, the Students’ Union is working towards educating the community about rising tuition and the increased… Continue reading Pennies and waffles