VP Op-Fi

By Joan Creaser

This is a position with a $7 million responsibility. That is the approximate budget of the Students’ Union and the VP Operations and Finance is in charge of doling it all out. They are responsible for all SU-related financial issues, monitoring and evaluating SU fees, allocating space to both clubs and retail outlets and overseeing… Continue reading VP Op-Fi

VP Events

By Mary Chan

Ian Thorner should have quit while he was ahead. The third-year biology student and self-proclaimed founder of Snow Pants Day bit off more than he could chew as a commissioner-his rudimentary misunderstanding of the issues gave that away-and now he will likely lose the VP Events race to any of the much stronger internal and… Continue reading VP Events

VP Events

By Mary Chan

Every year, we run into candidates like Robbie Schuett who want to make a difference but start off too big. Schuett’s full of beans but has no real clue how to channel all that methane into anything concrete. We applaud him for his enthusiasm but gently suggest the four syllables com-mish-shu-ner.BxperienceNone within the SU and… Continue reading VP Events

VP Events

By Mary Chan

Geoff Schoenberg is a self-proclaimed Renaissance man, and when you couple this notion with a lot of energy, Schoenberg would have made a decent VP Events on most counts. Unfortunately, Schoenberg’s qualifications suffer when you consider he doesn’t understand the limitations and scope of the events portfolio.ExperienceSchoenberg has no governance experience, and in this case… Continue reading VP Events

VP Events

By Mary Chan

One of the benefits to elections is that new, creative ideas are generated. Sadly, Robert Overmann’s ideas and observations on the Events porfolio lack original thought and offer no compelling reason to vote for him.ExperienceNot only does Overmann have no SU experience but he has no events-related experience either. Aside from concerns about Den security,… Continue reading VP Events

VP Events

By Mary Chan

Chris Kerr’s right-hand woman has paid her dues over the past year, and now she’s reaping the rewards. Enyedy’s experience in the Events portfolio has made her the best candidate for the position.ExperienceWith a strong background as an Events Commissioner, an ongoing stint on the Alliance-Atlantis promotions team and a strong commitment to SLC, Enyedy… Continue reading VP Events

VP Events

By Mary Chan

The one member of the executive who is most critiqued by students is also the one who directly influences them more than any other. However, the Events portfolio is not only dedicated to throwing good parties and keeping the masses content. The VP Events is also responsible for safety-especially Den safety-for raising awareness about Dinos… Continue reading VP Events

VP External

By Jamie Hellewell

External is one of the most interesting platforms, though you wouldn’t know it from talking to Nick Vuckovic. Though basically informed with decent proposals, he’s not exactly inspiring. While it’s not his duty to get everyone excited about the SU, it’d be nice if he showed some passion about the portfolio he wishes to make… Continue reading VP External

VP External

By Jamie Hellewell

Geoff Price doesn’t have much of an edge over closest competitor Nick Vuckovic, though he’s a positive decagon over The Candidate Formerly Known As Lee. He gets our vote because he’s got the magic “P”: Potential. If he’s on a level footing with an internal candidate already, there’s really nowhere to go but up and… Continue reading VP External

VP External

By Jamie Hellewell

Lee has a lot of heart, enthusiasm and passion. Unfortunately, it isn’t being applied to the right position or even the right portfolio.ExperienceWhile he is a non-SU candidate, Lee had an especially poor understanding of the external portfolio. Of the seven important issues he identified in his platform, only two fall inside his portfolio-two others,… Continue reading VP External