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By Michael Poon
Poets from all walks of life gathered on Sunday for the annual Stroll of Poets literary festival. Big ones, small ones and some you would never think to be poets came from Calgary and the surrounding area to display their art. Starting at Annie’s Book Company, they cut a swath through Calgary’s north-end right into… Continue reading Poets, bards and storytellers go for a stroll
By Ryan Pike
The ballots have been cast and the lights have been dimmed, so it must be time for the Gauntlet’s annual Academy Awards preview. This year, resident movie nerds Hoang-Mai Hong and Ryan Pike tackle Hollywood’s tribute to itself. Who will win? Who will lose? More importantly, who will predict more winners– Hoang-Mai or Ryan? [Editor’s… Continue reading Online Only: Oscar predictions you can bank on!
By Joel Cummings
It seems like a match made in heaven. Social satirist and comedian Bill Maher teams with Larry Charles, director of 2006’s hugely successful Borat, for a relentless, globe-trotting tirade against established religion in their new documentary Religulous (ostensibly a mixture of the words “religion” and “ridiculous”). The result is, as one would expect, side-splittingly hilarious.… Continue reading Religion + ridiculous = preachy doc
By Ryan Pike
The Academy Awards have become solidified over time as Hollywood’s tribute to itself. Thankfully, it’s also provided gambling junkies with an opportunity to bet on things that are completely separate from professional sports. The Gauntlet’s dynamic duo of cinematic geekery, Entertainment Editor Ryan Pike and E&P Editor Jordyn Marcellus, attempt to accurately predict who will… Continue reading The Gauntlet’s 2008 Academy Awards Preview
By Rachel Betts-Wilmott
Most of the year, the rather senior staff of Calgary’s #1 Legion contend with Bingo nights and retirement parties. However for four days in June, the Legion played host to as many Calgary scenesters as it could pack in its door as Sled Island 2007 took over. There was a buzz of excitement surrounding Sled… Continue reading Sled Island slides into our hearts
By Logan Neihaus
Don’t you ever just want to puke because you see something so bloody frustrating and ridiculous? Well, we did, about seven or eight times because of what we found. Well, there was 10, but space permitting you’re getting the pick of the litter. Seriously, you’ll never believe where we got this crap7: Martha Stewart Let’s… Continue reading Top seven or so WTF situations of 2005
By Karoline Czerski
After last weekend’s Canada West Swimming Championships at the U of C, the pool seems a little bit different. Is the water cleaner? Is the deck bigger? No, but the presence of a sweeping Dinos victory fills the air, and soon, a championship banner will fill space on the wall. For the swimmers, it may… Continue reading Swimmers take gold
By Kris Kotarski
Mark my words; the Dinos men’s soccer season will be as wacky as Michael Jackson’s monkey on three teaspoons of LSD. “When you start four or five rookies a game you’re in for an interesting time,” reflected Head Coach Andy Gibbs after his troops opened the season with an inspired 2-0 result, followed by a… Continue reading Clan you feel the beating?
By Kris Kotarski
Mark my words; the Dinos men’s soccer season will be as wacky as Michael Jackson’s monkey on three teaspoons of LSD. “When you start four or five rookies a game you’re in for an interesting time,” reflected Head Coach Andy Gibbs after his troops opened the season with an inspired 2-0 result, followed by a… Continue reading Shafted: Dinos dish it and take it
By Ruth Davenport
A spoonful of sugar may make the medicine go down, but some extra cash will get better medicine. Last week, University of Calgary researchers received the two most prestigious scholarships from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. "This will really help my research," said Dr. Donald Welsh, who received the McDonald Scholarship Award. "It’ll… Continue reading Good news for heart research