We found 23 results for your search.

Elegy for Grain Dust

By Eileen Wennekers

sudden brown shoulderbrushed with watch cough and snort. flag at full mast incessantly hum buildings and traffic. wrought ironpetroleum leaves fall and covered in the in the most. in the most viscous liquidexempting only clouds exhausted on wheat fields with a hair cut.growing bread for the breaking shirt off back old men getting sunburns in… Continue reading Elegy for Grain Dust

Unearthing Calgary’s past

By Nicole Kobie

It’s not just a walk in the park. While the surroundings are as beautiful as any inner-city greenspace, graveyards have gravity and serenity. The ground isn’t just grass, it’s a place where someone’s loved one is eternally resting. Union Cemetery–part of what’s commonly called Cemetery Hill–has another feeling about it, one of history. Few other… Continue reading Unearthing Calgary’s past

Nicole spends Sunday in Gauntlet offices

By Editing Test

Are you tired of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator? Several new browsers seek to depose those two web browsers as the kings of the World Wide Web. Internet browsers originated in Berkley in 1992 with Mosaic, which was capable of viewing text pages only on the familiar dull-grey background. Since then browsers have improved tremendously… Continue reading Nicole spends Sunday in Gauntlet offices

Protest, Canadian style

By Corky Thatcher

On July 22, Jean Chrétien made an announcement that excited, angered and scared many Calgarians. Next year’s Group of Eight conference–the scene of massive protests last month in Genoa–will be held in K-country. Is there anything to fear? How should we deal with security and protesters? Can we look to previous Canadian activist events to… Continue reading Protest, Canadian style

Magical split decision

By Вen Li

Every day in the bowels of Old MacEwan Hall, teams of monsters, some human, some grotesque, and some bearing a resemblance to Rosie O’Donnell, battle to see who will live and who shall die. For those who are resurrected, the battles never truly end. That was the case with the University of Calgary’s own Butros… Continue reading Magical split decision

Promising play

By Jan Creaser

During the holidays, many people nostalgically reflect upon their lives, remembering the good times, the hard times and ultimately, their personal journey filled with both difficult and easy decisions about what direction their lives should take. This year, the Cappucino Musical Theatre Group tries to capture those moments of reflection and the emotion of tough… Continue reading Promising play