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A year’s worth of news in review

By Natalie Vacha

Federal budget good for students A $3.2 billion government-spending package to create a “knowledge advantage,” was announced Tues., March 20, and included an additional $800 million in funding for post-secondary education. The package included increased funding to graduate programs, elimination of limits on education savings plans, millions in research money and support for international students.… Continue reading A year’s worth of news in review

First rez, next the world!

By Emily Senger

Three rez kids will lead the Students’ Union next year, though they promise not to do it wearing pajama pants and flip-flops. Three of the five executive elected in the SU general election are members of the Residence Students’ Association, including president-elect Julie Bogle, who edged out her nearest competitor by a mere 20 votes.… Continue reading First rez, next the world!

Mac Hall #3 concert venue in Canada

By Stephanie Mamayson

Mac Hall rocks! At least according to Pollstar‘s annual ticket sales report, which ranked the University of Calgary’s student centre as the third best concert venue in Canada, behind Massey Hall in Toronto and the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton. The concert magazine also put MacEwan Hall in 82nd place among the top 100… Continue reading Mac Hall #3 concert venue in Canada

Events candidates in beat box challenge

By Sarelle Azuelos

Most students decide to attend universities in order to increase their academic capabilities, but what they do after class is the primary concern of the Students’ Union events commissioner hopefuls. The events forum was held Tues., Feb. 7 and consisted of Justin Barrett, Josh Sandulak, Richard Freeman, Pamela Weatherbee, Brynn Collingridge and Riley Pollom. They… Continue reading Events candidates in beat box challenge

U of C 101, revamped

By Aneesha Birk

Incoming University of Calgary students will see some big changes to their orientation next year. The Office of the Student Experience has been working to create a new and improved U of C 101 for the coming fall semester. “The OSE is directing ship and lots of people are onboard,” said OSE associate director Heather… Continue reading U of C 101, revamped

SU Reviews: SU VP external Julie Labonte, a.k.a the tight rope walker

By Katy Anderson

Labonte’s many projects mean she must balance herself very carefully to ensure she completes her goals, just as a tight rope walker leaves spectators breathlessly wondering if they can pull it off.As the Students’ Union VP external, Labonte is responsible for lobbying government, public relations and awareness campaigns. This includes working with post-secondary education lobby… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP external Julie Labonte, a.k.a the tight rope walker

SU Reviews: SU VP operations and finance Cody Wagner, a.k.a the clown

By Emily Senger

Keeping everyone happy may look easy but it most certainly is not. Wagner must use all of his wit and resources to cater to diverse groups who all want to be entertained, or in his case, they just want money.The SU vice-president operations and finance holds the purse strings of the SU, though giant sack… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP operations and finance Cody Wagner, a.k.a the clown

Sexual Awareness Week educates students

By Emily Senger

Perogies, pornography, sex toys and an old lady talking about orgasms slid into MacEwan Student Centre during the Students’ Union’s third annual Sexual Awareness Week. The week ran Nov. 27-29 and featured “Perogies and Porn,” a free food and documentary screening Monday, speaker Sue Johanson Tuesday and a sexual education trade show Wednesday. While the… Continue reading Sexual Awareness Week educates students

Online Exclusive: Inside Fine Arts Awareness Week

By Victoria Lee

MacEwan Student Center was transformed into a stage for budding artists last week as the Students’ Union opened up the university to the world of fine arts, during Fine Arts Awareness Week. From Nov. 6-10 the MSC north courtyard and other places around campus became a bridge between artists and the university community as students… Continue reading Online Exclusive: Inside Fine Arts Awareness Week