Residence fees increase

By Eric Fung

Change is coming to even the most traditional of U of C’s residences.“We have heard next to nothing from the upper administration about the proposed fees for residence for 2003/2004,” said Residence Students’ Association President Sarah Wilson. “There is little concrete information available, but we have heard through the rumor mill that we are potentially… Continue reading Residence fees increase

External Commission

By Brian Arkinstall

A crowd of at least 30 students braved jazz saxophone music over the Tuesday lunch hour to hear five candidates explain why four of them should become next year’s Operations and Finance commissioners. Most candidates focused on issues relating to differential tuition, student clubs, and money.Candidate Jarrod Fuhr said that the three main issues facing… Continue reading External Commission

VP events forum

By Nicole Kobie

It’s encouraging that the SU VP events forum was entertaining and well-attended–hopefully it proves prophetic for that portfolio next year. Last Thu., Feb. 6, two of the three would-be VPs–Lawrence Bailey and Richard “Krafty” Bergen–spent an hour answering questions from current SU VP Events Irene Enyedy and numerous audience members. Third candidate Anant Patel missed… Continue reading VP events forum

VP Op-Fi forum

By Вen Li

Many tragedies have been built around dysfunctional families fighting over who should be the new leader. Should it be the brother returning from abroad, the financially-adept sister, or the intelligent but ugly step-child? Such is the question with this year’s SU General Election as three internal candidates campaigned for the VP operations and finance position… Continue reading VP Op-Fi forum

VP external forum

By Heather Thompson

On Wed., Feb. 5, SU vice-president external candidates Lauren Batiuk and Kari Doig participated in a candidate forum. When asked about the three most important issues in the external portfolio, Batiuk mentioned tuition, student loan allowances, and parental contributions in student loans.Doig also thought that tuition was an important issue. “Differential tuition will increase students’… Continue reading VP external forum

Presidential forum

By Natalie Sit

One hundred students listened to Students’ Union presidential candidates speak about their plans for the future on Mon., Feb. 10. All candidates had ambitious goals, but apathy got universal attention from the field.“There’s more than 30,000 students on campus, only a select few end up caring,” said Kyle Gould. “I’m that person who’s going to… Continue reading Presidential forum

Modern day monks

By Lawrence Bailey

Once in a while, people cross our paths that make us feel more passionate about life than we ever dreamed possible. People with a different perspective, a different energy, a different take on the world. People that jolt you out of the mundane, pessimistic, repetitive existence of midterms, term papers and night shifts. Local hip-hop… Continue reading Modern day monks

Admin pushes differential tuition, 6.3% increase

By Nicole Kobie

If the University of Calgary administration has its way, differential tuition will not only raise fees for MBA, Law and Medicine students, but the rest of us will see a 6.3 per cent increase in tuition–and if an extra $260 a year isn’t enough to keep the riff-raff out, what is? Last Tue., Feb. 10,… Continue reading Admin pushes differential tuition, 6.3% increase

Feed the beast

By Matt Stambaugh

Over 2000 years ago oligarchies in Greek city-states started an experiment we casually call democracy. Although the percentage of total population given the right to vote was small, the experiment allowed for leadership candidates to put their ideas and character to the test of their peers, providing a vessel through which responsible government could emerge.… Continue reading Feed the beast